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July 26, 2024

Guide to the 4 Types of Breast Lifts

Written by: Dr. Dahlia Rice. Posted in: Blog

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Guide to the 4 Types of Breast Lifts

There are four main types of breast lifts. These different types of breast lifts align with the needs and goals of various patients. Let’s take a look at each one and how they all can help lift your look and give you a more youthful breast contour.

What Are the Different Types of Breast Lifts?

Next to breast augmentation (breast implants), breast lift surgery is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in the nation.

The goal of any breast lift surgery is to put the breasts higher up on the chest wall, to reduce excess skin and tissue and get rid of sagging, and to relocate the nipples to a higher position as well. The result is an overall perkier and more youthful appearance.

Periareolar Lift

The periareolar lift (also known as the donut lift) is a cosmetic surgery that improves sagging breasts with an incision made all the way around the outer edge of the areola. The circle resembles a donut. Excess skin can be removed from all around the areola, and the nipple position can be slightly shifted.

Crescent Lift

The crescent breast lift technique is a surgical procedure that is very similar to a periareolar lift but that only features a semi-circular incision around the areolae. This is a good procedure for very mild sagging as only a small amount of excess breast skin can be removed and/or adjusted.

different types of breast lifts

Lollipop Lift

The lollipop lift offers a vertical lift while removing excess skin and breast tissue from around the nipple and areola. This lift is so named because the impression that the incisions make makes the shape of a lollipop with a circle at the top and the stick or line coming down.

Anchor Lift

Lastly, the anchor breast lift is another vertical breast lift, which requires incisions around the areola, along the breast crease, and straight up from the breast crease to the bottom of the areola’s edge.

This is the most advanced of the breast lift techniques. If you have extensive sagging of your breasts and they need to be significantly lifted, you may benefit most from an anchor lift.

Which Type of Breast Lift Is Best?

This really depends on you! At your consultation appointment, your plastic surgeon will assess your anatomy, go over your medical history with you, and talk to you a little bit about your goals and expected lifestyle after surgery. Ultimately, these will be the criteria with which you and your surgeon will determine what type of breast lift is best for you.

FAQ: Breast Lift Surgery

Which breast lift has the least scarring?

A crescent or donut-shaped breast lift has the least amount of scarring. These scars can be hidden well around the outer edge of the areola.

Any breast lift that requires a vertical incision running from the bottom of the areola down to the breast crease is going to have the most noticeable scarring. This includes the lollipop lift and the anchor lift.

What types of breast lifts are there for moms?

Mothers who have been through one or more pregnancies and who have possibly breastfed may have breasts that sag when they are done having children. This is due to the fact that the breasts tend to get larger during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. And those weight fluctuations can stretch out the breast skin and breast tissue and lead to sagging and a “pancake” appearance afterwards.

Depending on how much sagging and drooping a mom has, there are various types of breast lift surgery that can help. Options include a crescent lift or donut lift for mild sagging or, for more severe sagging and excess skin, a lollipop lift or anchor breast lift.

what types of breast lifts are there

Will my nipples be sore after breast lift surgery?

Yes, your nipples after breast lift surgery will likely be somewhat sore and painful. Pain medication can be prescribed to help bring comfort during this time.

Soreness, in general, is a common side effect of after plastic surgery. Fortunately, any changes in sensation that you experience on the nipples or elsewhere on the breasts (pain, soreness, tingling, numbness, etc.) should go away with time. If these symptoms do not disappear, be sure to contact your plastic surgeon for a follow up.

Can I get a breast lift and breast augmentation together?

Yes! In fact, many patients ask to have a combination breast lift and breast augmentation surgery. This is a great way to increase the volume of your breasts while also lifting them up higher on the chest wall and giving them a more youthful appearance.

Many patients actually come into our office seeking breast lift surgery when they are actually better candidates for breast augmentation. The opposite is true too.

If you are unsure whether you are a good candidate for breast lift surgery, breast augmentation surgery, or a combination of the two, please book a consultation today to learn more about your options.

Book a Breast Lift Consultation Today

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Dahlia Rice performs breast lift surgery and other procedures, such as breast augmentation and breast reduction, at her Chicago practice. Call today to set up an in-person consultation appointment with Dr. Rice.


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